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6 Things You Can Do for Sleep Better Without Medication

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6 Things You Can Do for Sleep Better Without Medication

6 Things You Can Do for Sleep Better Without Medication.

6 Things You Can Do for Sleep Better Without Medication.

Here are the 6 things I did to sleep better naturally, without the need for any medication.

Start sleep better naturally!

Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy and live longer. When we sleep well, our bodies repair themselves, our minds get a chance to rest, and we wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. But it's not just about feeling good in the morning—sleep is also a powerful tool for keeping us young.

In my personal journey to improve my sleep, I tried many different sleep medications. I even ended up taking some that made me dependent on them, which didn’t feel healthy or sustainable. I realized that relying on medication wasn’t the right path for me, so I started searching for ways to sleep better without using sleep medications.

After some trial and error, I discovered a few key changes that completely transformed my sleep—and I’m excited to share them with you. Here are the 6 things I did to sleep better naturally, without the need for any medication

1. Power Down Hour for Sleep Better

Avoid blue light

One of the most effective strategies I found for improving my sleep is establishing a "Power Down Hour." This is the hour before bedtime where you start winding down and preparing your body for rest. It's recommended to stop looking at screens during this time because all screens emit blue light, which can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

However, in the world we live in, avoiding screens entirely for an hour before bed can be really challenging. We often rely on our phones, computers, or TVs to relax or catch up on things. That’s why I started using blue light-blocking glasses during my Power Down Hour. Wearing these glasses about an hour before bed has made a big difference for me, helping me wind down more effectively and improving my overall sleep quality.

2. Changing My Exercise Time for Sleep Better

Exercising at night kept body too active

Another important change I made was adjusting exercise routine. I used to work out in the evening after finishing work, but I found that exercising at night kept my body too active, making it harder to fall asleep. It turns out that exercising too close to bedtime can actually interfere with your ability to wind down and get a good night's sleep.

So, I decided to switch my workout time to the morning. Exercising in the morning not only helps me feel more energized throughout the day, but it also ensures that my body has plenty of time to relax before bedtime. This simple shift made a big difference in improving my sleep quality.

3. A Bedroom Makeover: Which Pillow or Mattress Is Best for Better Sleep?

Creating the perfect sleep environment

Creating the perfect sleep environment was another game-changer for me, starting with a simple bedroom makeover. I realized that my old pillow and mattress were contributing to my restless nights. An uncomfortable mattress or a pillow that doesn’t support your head properly can make it difficult to get the restful sleep you need.

So, I decided to invest in a high-quality mattress that provides the right balance of support and comfort. Along with that, I chose pillows tailored to my sleep style, in my case I am a back sleeper.

Pillow by sleep Type

4. Bedroom Makeover: Light

Warm lighting that creates a calming atmosphere

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a sleep-friendly environment. I used to overlook the impact that light has on my ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, but it turns out that the right lighting can make all the difference.

First, I made sure to eliminate any harsh or bright lights in the bedroom, especially during the evening. Instead, I opted for soft, warm lighting that creates a calming atmosphere.

Using blackout curtains was another important step; they block out any external light, making the room as dark as possible, which is key for deep, uninterrupted sleep.

And for those times when I need to get up in the middle of the night, I’ve added a small hallway light. This way, I can see where I’m going without having to turn on a bright light that would disrupt my sleep cycle.

5. Bedroom Makeover: Sound & Smellt

White noise and lavender aroma

Sound and smell are often overlooked when it comes to creating the perfect sleep environment, but they can have a big impact on how well you sleep. For me, the sound of the air conditioner is enough to create a soothing background noise that helps me drift off. However, if you don't have an air conditioner or need something more, a white noise machine can be a great investment. It drowns out any disruptive sounds and creates a consistent, calming atmosphere.

On the scent side, I've found that the aroma of lavender really helps me relax and fall asleep more easily. I use an electric wax warmer with lavender-scented waxto fill the room with this calming scent before bed. The combination of a peaceful sound environment and a soothing smell has made a noticeable difference in the quality of my sleep.

6. Bedroom Makeover: Best Temperature For Sleep Better

Cool is the ideal temperature for a good night's sleep

Finally, and perhaps one of the most important factors, is temperature. Maintaining the right temperature in your bedroom is crucial for a good night's sleep. I sleep with the air conditioner on to keep the room cool, which helps me sleep comfortably through the night.

To be more energy-efficient, I use a mini-split air conditioner in my bedroom. This way, I can cool just the room I'm sleeping in rather than the entire house, saving on energy costs while still getting the benefit of a perfectly cooled sleeping environment. Keeping the room at an optimal temperature has been key to ensuring I wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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